Sunday, April 27, 2008


I, like almost every kid i know played soccer sometime in their childhood. I don't know how i got into it, but i played on a ymca team with many of my friends. Some of them kept playing through high school. I chose to stop before middle school, but i'll always remember the games i did play in YMCA and Five Seasons leagues. My team was called the stompers.
The routine was the same. My mom or dad would yell at me that i had a game and i would run to my room to pull out my uniform. Shoes, shin guards, purple sox, black shorts, and purple jerseys. Then they'd drive me out to the soccer field and bring folding chairs. During the game we would all just chase the ball around in a big herd but my team was pretty good. At halftime everyone would sit cross legged and listen to the coach while we ate orange slices. The best part came after the game. After we shook hands with the other team we would get treats and drinks. Each week a different parent would bring drinks, and one would bring treats. We'd always ask the other players,"what did your parents bring for treats?". The best was Capri Sun and Rice Krispies.

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