Monday, May 12, 2008


Last night i sat down to do my homework at about 3 in the afternoon. I figured that it wouldn't take very long and that I could finish it quickly and get to bed early that night. I wasn't exactly sure what I had for homework so I opened up my folders one by one. Starting with first hour. When I opened up the ap lang folder my eyes met the research paper.. o crap. I sat down at the computer and began to do one final revision for the paper. I didn't think that it would take me long, but it sure did. Three revisions later and my dads revision led to a different paper. Then I had to go back and cite the sources by paragraph, which I hadn't done before.
Luckily after that paper my 2nd and 3rd hour classes didn't give any homework. But my fourth hour pre calc class had a big test monday.. So i sat down and studied that for about an hour. After that i didn't want to go on to the next class, which was spanish. We had a quiz over ser vs. estar coming up. After looking at that I was ready to throw my bag out the window, instead i went over my ap lang paper one more time then went to bed, great night.

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