Thursday, March 27, 2008

One More Day

Today is Thursday, that means one more day until spring break. It hasn't exactly been an easy week before break. Today I had three tests, one quiz, and the in class essay. It doesn't look like it will be easing up tomorrow either. I have three more tests. The thought of sleeping in and doing nothing for a week should get me through the day though. As soon as the bell goes off after sixth hour I will be home free. Only football lifting then I'm on my way home.
For spring break I'm planning on going to New Smyrna beach in florida with a friend and my family. It should be a good time. Nothing to worry about, no snow, and no homework, well at least I won't be doing any. Break always goes by so fast for me and the next thing I know I'm back in school on Monday.
Hopefully tomorrow doesn't go to slow, and before I know I'll be on break. I know the last few classes we seem like an eternity but hopefully all the tests will make it go faster.

1 comment:

Old Greg said...

...seem like an eternity but hopefully all the tests will make it go faster.

thats what she said.