Thursday, March 6, 2008

Spring Break

Only a couple more weeks, I keep telling myself. School just seems easier for me when I've got something to look forward to. Right now, it's spring break. I get more anxious every day leading up to it. When it comes down to the last couple days before break I just zone out. I know all you students know what I'm talking about. I just keep telling myself I don't care, that I'll deal with it after break, and I just go on autopilot...
It doesn't even matter what you do on spring break, as long you're out of school. And frustratingly, no matter what you're doing that week goes by too fast. You're having fun and relaxing everyday then the next thing you know, your slammed back into school and forced to deal with everything you put off in those days leading up to break. 
I don't mind going back to school too much. I just try to set my sights on the next weekend or next break to come. It doesn't matter when, just as long as I have something to look forward to I'm fine. Some people say it's not good to live in the present from week to week, but I beg to differ.

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