Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Final Post
I'm just rambling now, but jordan is on the FBI ten most wanted list and is reading about these guys. Osama Bin Laden is number one and has a 25 million dollar reward on him. I think Jordans going to devote his life to catching these criminals and cashing in on the rewards. He just has to figure out how to find them and he'll be set.
I don't know what else to write about and this entry is taking way too long. So far Jordan has made 54 cents off of his blog advertisments so he'll likely have to find a new job if the catching americas most wanted doesn't work out.
This has been one of my most distracted, random, bad blog entries yet, i apologize. but now i', done.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
School Lunch
Because of all this hassle my friends and I go out to eat some days. Because of the short time we just run through the drive through and eat on the way back, but it still beats the whole lunch room experience, no lines, good food, and you can sit down in your car. Next year I’m hoping to have 4th hour off so I can have plenty of time for lunch, a very necessary meal.
Monday, May 26, 2008
On Doing Nothing
Mosquitoes are insects which make up the family Culicidae. They have a pair of scaled wings , a pair of halteres, a slender body, and long legs. The females of most mosquito species suck blood from other animals, which has made them the most deadly disease vectors known to man, killing millions of people over thousands of years and continuing to kill millions per year by the spread of diseases. (Wikipedia)
The Tunnel
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Waking Up
Next, I reach down and grab my thick blue comforter and pull it off of me along with my sheets. The cool air of my room hits my legs and jolts me awake. Once again, I am not in a good mood. The cold wood floor I step onto just adds to my jolly early-morning mood. As I walk to my door my room is already bright because of my large window, the door opens me up to the stinging hallway lights that shocks my pupils. My eyes get even with me by sending a stinging pain through my forehead.
I walk into my bathroom and turn my adjuster light on low and run some cold water in the sink. I look through the fog in my eyes to the mirror. After I splash my face with some cold water they clear up and I finally get the feeling that I’m awake. I dry off and stretch my arms as I walk into the kitchen and open the pantry and scan the shelves for something decent. I usually can’t find anything and end up grabbing a protein shake then heading out of the door.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Captain Crunch
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Presidential Physical Fitness
Monday, May 12, 2008
Luckily after that paper my 2nd and 3rd hour classes didn't give any homework. But my fourth hour pre calc class had a big test monday.. So i sat down and studied that for about an hour. After that i didn't want to go on to the next class, which was spanish. We had a quiz over ser vs. estar coming up. After looking at that I was ready to throw my bag out the window, instead i went over my ap lang paper one more time then went to bed, great night.
Friday, May 2, 2008
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Michael Ayers
Michael Ayers, age 50, is a ultra-distance in line skater. His famous quote, "If it ain't at least 30 miles, it ain't worth putting your skates on for." Titles his website, there were numerous photos of him finishing these skating marathons, and some of him and his granddaughter skating around also. Quite the athlete.
One of the more discriptive accounts of Michael Ayers cam from a teenage girl. She seemed to be upset with him and in love with him at the same time. I think he said something to one of her friends about her and someone else, so she resorted to name calling i'm not going to repeat.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Show and Tell
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
2 Questions
Monday, April 28, 2008
Helen Keller once said, “keep your face to the sunshine so that you cannot see the shadow” I keep my face to the sun when I think of my future. Because I have faith in God, and believe that our country will stay united because of our acceptance of all people, our giving to those in need, and our loyalty to America. America will always stand united in optimism. Just as Winston Churchill once said, “ For myself I am an optimist, it does not seem much use being anything else.”
In the first chapter of the section, Mary Roach talks about of the history of head transplantations. Research in this field started with doctors and scientists trying to take heads of decapitated prisoners who had been through the guitine and reattach them to something that would supply oxygenated blood to see if they could survive. The next thing Mary talks about is about doctors trying to fully transplant the head of one dog onto the neck of another dog. The doctors hoped that they could get both the dogs to survive with a new head. Sometimes it actually worked. In one case, one of the dogs lives for 29 days with the head of another dog. Towards the end of the chapter she covers the benefits of being able to transplant a head from one human to another.
A major benefit is that someone who had severe internal organs to their previous body could have their head transplanted to a healthy body and continue to live. The major drawback, however, is that once the head received a new body, the person would become paraplegic, and have no movement from the neck down. She says that one doctor, Dr. White, was able to transplant the brain of one monkey into the abdominal region of another and keep it alive. The brain had no senses though, and could only think.
The next chapter she writes is called, “Eat Me”. She talks about cannibalism, and the medicinal purposes of cadavers. There were some really weird cures using bodily fluids and stuff. Like saliva for eye infections, and putting tooth tarter on wasp stings. She has an explanation for these bizarre cures though. Someone says that sugar pills, or placebos, will reduce pain 25-40% of the time, and if u take that into consideration u can see how some people could believe they were getting better from the wacky cures. If you believe something works your mind can trick your body into believing it. The worst part of the chapter is when it talks about a man who worked in a crematory and cut the off parts of the deceased people he received and gave them to his brother who worked in a restaurant.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
On Cooking
El Sol y La Luna
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Which Came First The Chicken or the Egg
The large whole in my theory lays within the question, "where did the first chicken come from?". I have made a theory and sent it to some leading researchers who are yet to respond. It's probably above their heads. The theory is that the first chicken hatched from a mammal. Such as a cow. This is referred to as the mystery mammal theory. This baby chicken later met up with a rooster and they produced the first egg. This egg of course came after the chicken, so I must be correct.
If you have any objections to this theory or comments of your own I would love to answer them. Drop me a line, 319-310-6658. Thank you for your time.
Michael Jordan
Michael was like a fairy tale basketball player, out of some book written by the basketball king.
“Oh wait, Michael Jordan is the king!”
But all fairy tales end, most “Happily ever after.”
After his sixth world championship, he retired, as the worlds best player, ever. But have you heard of a continued fairy tale? I hadn’t, not untill he came back to the game playing for the Washington Wizards. Some were skeptical, but he kept his flame and is leading the Wizards to what they hope is a world championship. He has had a magical life, from zero to hero. All of this because of his strong work ethic, practice habits, and good attitude.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Swimmin with Barbies
I'm not sure how we decided the barbies on the bed wanted to take a swim in the fish tank, but we did. One by one we dropped the barbies into the tank. Of course they had to be with ken, so we threw the Kens into the tank also. And of course the both wouldn't be comfortable swimmming without their wardrobes, so we threw all the barbie clothes in. Finally the barbies were content. We watched them float around with the fish for a while but that must have got boring also.
The next thing we did was try to get the barbies out. We weren't that tall so i reached up to the top of the fish tank and tried to pull myself up to get my hand in. All this did was bring the tank down off the dresser. It shattered on the floor and fish/water/barbie flooded my sisters room. I'm not sure if i was actually grounded though. Sorry sis...
The Hill
You usually pull up to the bottom of the hill around 550 where a few cars are already waiting. The players start to gather at the bottom in the sweats, half asleep. Once everyone is there and stretched out as much as you can be at 6 in the morning someone yells go and the herd of players head up the hill. Its not too hard at first around the first couple bends, but once you hit the straightaway at the end you're about dead. The worst part, suprisingly, is the jog back down the hill, your already tired, and do everything you can to keep from falling over.
By the last trip up the hill you can't feel your legs and once your done theres not really a big feeling of relief, you just try to keep your breakfast down. The drive back to kennedy can be pretty bad if you start cramping up, it hasn't happened to me but some of my friends have had to pull over before.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
One More Day
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Lupe Fiasco
I'm sure your no stranger to all of the hip-hop that's taken over the radio. You can't escape it. Many people despise it. I don't mind it for awhile, but after hearing the same thing over and over again for more than a few songs I get tired of it. I'll listen to it on occasion, but there's only so much to be rhymed about cars, girls, money, and booze.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
The Office
Thursday, March 13, 2008
research topic follow up...
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The iPod
One of the coolest presents I ever received for my birthday was an iPod. This was before every kid on the block had one, so naturally it was a big deal. At the time the ipod I owned was the 2nd one to come out. This was before nano, video, touch, or super nano ultra video 5.0. All it did was play music. The screen wasn't even color but who cared, no one had even seen a color screen yet. Anyways, I thought it was the coolest thing that i had one. Of course now all the kids who didn’t have on at the time now own much newer ones and can store many times the music.
I won’t forget going to Best Buy with my dad for my birthday and picking one off of the shelf. I couldn’t wait to get home and put my CD’s on it. Which at the time included Jock Jams, NOW (1st one), Queen, the Lion King Soundtrack, and Backstreet Boys Millennium. Don’t judge me, this was fourth grade and I’ve changed for the better, although the Lion King is still one of my favorite CD's.
After Getting home I ran to the computer to figure out iTunes. It took me a couple hours, 1.5 of which I was on hold with the help line, but i figured it out. I quickly added all of my CD’s to the computer than loaded them onto my iPod. The iPod was such a big deal to me that I never really used it because I was afraid to lose it. I never took it to school, but got my use out of it on car and plane rides, gradually added new music and erasing old, except for that Lion King. It's still on there along with thousands of others.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Spring Break
high school state basketball
research paper topics?
-The first one is something along the lines of steroids in sports, or baseball more specifically. I've read about the topic a little bit before and it might be a little boring for a whole paper.
-The second topic I thought about is shoplifting, emphasis on shoplifting in teenagers and why they do it/ psychological reasons.
-Another topic is the JFK assasination, i think it would be easy to find info on and a lot of soures atleast.